Fruit Trees
Add some color and freshness to your backyard with our Fruit Trees. Our selection of crabapple, peach, pear, cherry and plum trees will not only add beauty to your garden, but also provide you with delicious, home-grown fruits. Come to our nursery and choose your favorite fruit tree today.

Fruit Tree Catalog

Evans Cherry
Fruit: Deep red 1"
Self-fertile tart pie cherry
Hardiness: One of the hardiest, loathes "wet feet"
Size: 10'

Meteor Cherry
Fruit: Large, bright red
Self-fertile tart pie cherry
Hardiness: Very hardy, loathes "wet feet"
Size: 8-10'

Northstar Cherry
Fruit: Plump and tart
Self-fertile; very productive; like other cherries, loathes "wet feet"
Hardiness: very hardy
Size: Dwarf, grows only 5-7'

Dolgo Crabapple
Extremely hardy; dependable pollinator for other apple trees; bright red oval fruit produced annually that makes beautiful, clear jelly.

Kerr Crabapple
A cross between a Dolgo crabapple and a Haralson apple, heavy producer of larger sized for a crabapple, crisp red fruit great for fresh eating and jellies; abundant white flowers in spring makes it a great pollinator; a very cold hardy tree.

Whitney Crabapple
Highly productive and popular heirloom variety, i.e. it's been around for a very long time; crisp, juicy fruit desirable for eating, pickling, and making beautiful, clear red jelly; excellent pollinator for other apple trees; very hardy.

Golden Spice Pear
One of the cold hardiest pears, abundant white flowers in spring followed by medium sized golden yellow fruit, great for fresh eating and canning.

Parker Pear
Sweet, juicy dessert types; get heavier crops if have two varieties for good cross-pollination; very attractive, tidy, globe-shaped trees; hardiest for Montana.

Patten Pear
Large size yellow-rust colored fruit, juicy and sweet, good for fresh eating and canning, great pollinator for Summercrisp and Parker.

Summercrisp Pear
Most consistent producer in our area; fruit 3" long and 2" diameter is excellent quality; harvest late summer; fireblight resistant and hardy; abundant white spring flowers, beautiful upright branching, and uniform shape also make this an ideal ornamental tree

Ure Pear
Smaller size yellow-green fruit; good for eating and canning. A very cold hardy and tidy shaped tree. Ripens early, mid-August.

American Plum
Hardy, thicket-forming “wild” plum frequently used in wildlife plantings; seen throughout our area; drought resistant; showy flowers in early spring; fruit red or yellow; excellent pollinator.

Mount Royal Plum
Blue, European plum; excellent eating right off tree; also good for dessert, jam, and preserves; self-pollinating; very prolific bearer in our area; ripens late August.

Pembina Plum
A cold hardy cross between a Japanese and Canadian plum bred in South Dakota. The tree bears large size fruit with bright red skin and golden yellow flesh, great for fresh eating and jellies. Pollinate with Toka, Waneta or Montana native Western Sandcherry.

Toka Plum
The hardiest, most productive Japanese-American plums; sweet fruit good for eating fresh, jam and preserves; all dependable in Montana; must plant near another plum for cross-pollination and better fruit production; Toka and American are excellent pollinators

Waneta Plum
Excellent quality large red, sweet, juicy; very hardy; pollinator required.